Why Tan or spray tan?
To all life on earth, light is truly essential. For just why, there are a number of different psychological and physiological explanations. More and more scientific evidence is pointing to the fact that in order to function effectively, people truly need light exposure, which helps to suppress hormone melatonin release which in the body is a depressant. On the other side, light exposure produces a number of positive health benefits like the very important production of Vitamin D3, necessary in different bone disease prevention.
The fact of the matter is that those individuals who are exposed to bright light for extended hours, truly enjoy life and feel very happy. Just a 6few of the benefits are reduced risk of sunburn, decreased risks of colon and breast cancers, and the added production of Vitamin D. Mental benefits are also positive. Deprivation of sunlight has been linked to various different mental disorders. And it goes without saying, just how good a great tan looks!
To best tan, what should I wear?
Just as they would at the beach, some people opt to wear a swimsuit. But because indoor tanning is in fact so private, to avoid tan lines, many choose to tan in the nude. Be aware that skins never previously exposed to ultraviolet light are going to be much more sensitive, and you have to cut the recommended time of exposure by at least 1/3 getting started in the process.
Indoor tanning lotions, should I use them?
Nutrients, needed to produce melatonin, are added to your body, when you use indoor tanning lotions, also referred to as “accelerators”. The quality accelerators we feature in our line contain botanicals, along with vitamins A, C, and E, which help increase blood flow and moisturization, both helping to speed the tanning process up.

Does indoor tanning compare with outdoor tanning in terms of effectiveness?
Because you are in an environment which is controlled, the answer is absolutely yes! The amount of UV light can be controlled by you indoors, allowing you to achieve an even and all-over tan. You also will be able to eliminate any risk of sunburn, which can be harmful to the skin.
May I use outdoor lotions and oils in my time in the tanning bed?
The answer is a definite NO! These products should only be used outdoors. Ask our tanning professional for suggestions just what would be best to use.
To see results, how long will it take?
You want to tan regularly, to gain and keep an awesome tan. It will typically take between 6 and 10 sessions to get that perfect tan you are seeking, and then 1-2 weekly visits to maintain it perfectly throughout the year.
Just how do I maintain my tan?
You definitely want to stay moisturized! Drink a lot of water, and use a formulated-for-tanning high quality lotion. Because your skin is consistently producing new cells, to keep your tan will require you to maintain a steady schedule of consistent visits, certainly a minimum of at least once per week.
Because of my busy schedule, may I tan more than one time per day?
The answer is for you to take a “Double Dip”. The way it works is that after you tan in a booth or a bed, you immediately use our sunless Spray Booth, which is permitted on the same day as a traditional session of tanning. Talk to our consultant about the benefits of spraytan, spray tans Melbourne, and organic spray tan.

Between training sessions, how much time should I allow to pass?
Our suggestion is to allow two days between sessions if possible, although FDA requirements are 24 hours.
After tanning, is it alright to shower?
A definite yes! It takes up to 24 hours for tanning process to develop, so you will not be washing away anything positive when you shower.
On my lips, should I use SPF?
Yes, because your lips cannot tan, use SPF.
If I become a club member, can I save money?
For regular tanners to tan, the most economical way is to take advantage of our unlimited monthly Club Memberships. In our level 3 beds and stand-up units, for as little as $28 per month, members enjoy unlimited tanning. Talk to one of our Tanning Consultants today, and find out about any other deals or discounts you may be eligible to gain.
High pressure units & low pressure units-what is the difference?
At a low energy level, low pressure units emit both UVB & UVA. More of a red tone tan will be given by low pressure units, and they will need to be maintained more often. UVC, UVA & UVB are generated by high pressure units, however, during a tanning session because of a sophisticated filtering system, only UVA is emitted. This results in fewer sessions being needed to build and maintain a great tan via the high pressure units.

Without parental consent, how old must I be to tan?
You must be at least 16 years of age or older. Anyone under 16 must have a parent or guardian sign a release form, according to state law.
Are eye goggles required to be worn?
The answer is a definite YES! Supplying eye protection to customers is required by Federal law. Your eyes can absolutely not tan!
If I am pregnant, can I tan?
Pregnant women are advised to take whatever cautions are in their best interest, so our advice is to consult with one’s physician on this matter.
What is the cause of white spots?
A skin condition, Tinea Versicolor, which is caused by a microscopic fungus that emanates from the scalp, falls onto various body parts and leaves on the skin bleached-looking areas which can spread.
Can acne be cured by indoor spray tanning?
In treating this condition’s skin problems, phototherapy(use of UV light) has been used. Tanning dries the skin, and in mild cases, can keep outbreaks of acne to a minimum.
Is depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder helped by tanning?
More and more studies are continuing to point out the organic advantages of light exposure to people in their lives.
Addition spraytan bentleigh info plus educational video on tanning